Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is not finished and there is yet 2 more that need to be posted to complete this drawing.

I am posting these drawings that are meant to be connected side by side to make a 360 degree drawing of Richter Street, Milltown.

Well thank you Jill for meeting for lunch yesterday. It was great talking about art with you and life and morality. I continue my work on Richter Street, Milltown, a 360 degree view of it. I am so curious to see what this view does when put in two dimensions. It is so far 4 drawings side by side on watercolor paper size 22 by 30 inches. It explores the street and small places you hid and played in as a child. Also, I explore our environment we leave from and come home to daily with all its imperfections, delapidation, and attempts to maintain and care for it. It seems the process of decay trumps over our attempts to preserve, which appear rather feeble in this drawing and a battle destined to loose yet the the life giving force. I will be back with the images.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

I am working on a website for my artwork, finally have begun on this. I have been thinking about it for a long time. Please visit my blogspot as I will be updating it with images etc, as soon as I get my camera.